david at infonet.com.br david at infonet.com.br
Wed Jun 1 11:21:41 -03 2005

Citando Hamilton Vera <hamilton at i2.com.br>:

> Aqui tambem uso a dialups.services.net, era a lista mantida pelo pessoal
> da SPAMBR.

  Hamilton, essa lista é boa? ela é mais voltada para o mercado nacional? tem alguma 
página na internet dela?

> []'s
> On Wed, 1 Jun 2005, Edison Bortolin wrote:
> > Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 06:14:28 -0700
> > From: Edison Bortolin <edison at coslinux.com.br>
> > Reply-To: "Mail Aid and Succor,  On-line Comfort and Help"
> >     <masoch-l at eng.registro.br>
> > To: "Mail Aid and Succor, On-line Comfort and Help"
> >     <masoch-l at eng.registro.br>
> > Subject: [MASOCH-L] SPAM & RBLs
> >
> > Pessoal,
> >
> > Conheço as seguintes RBLs:
> >
> > ORDB-RBL                        relays.ordb.org.
> > spamhaus.org                    sbl.spamhaus.org.
> > spamcop.net                     bl.spamcop.net.
> > Infinite-Monkeys                proxies.relays.monkeys.com.
> > NJABL                           dnsbl.njabl.org.
> > MAPS-RBL                        blackholes.mail-abuse.org.
> > MAPS-DUL                        dialups.mail-abuse.org.
> > MAPS-RSS                        relays.mail-abuse.org.
> > MAPS-RBL+                       rbl-plus.mail-abuse.ja.net.
> > RFC-IGNORANT-DSN                dsn.rfc-ignorant.org.
> > RFC-IGNORANT-POSTMASTER         postmaster.rfc-ignorant.org.
> > RFC-IGNORANT-ABUSE              abuse.rfc-ignorant.org.
> > RFC-IGNORANT-WHOIS              whois.rfc-ignorant.org.
> > RFC-IGNORANT-IPWHOIS            ipwhois.rfc-ignorant.org.
> > Easynet-DNSBL                   blackholes.easynet.nl.
> > Easynet-Proxies                 proxies.blackholes.easynet.nl.
> > Easynet-Dynablock               dynablock.easynet.nl.
> >
> > Quais são as melhores? Existe alguma outra que é eficiente e não está
> > relacionada?
> >
> > Qualquer ajuda será bem vinda.
> >
> > [ ] 's
> >
> > Edison
> >
> >
> > __
> > masoch-l list
> > https://eng.registro.br/mailman/listinfo/masoch-l
> >
> Hamilton Vera - Linux Powered - Anti Spam Policy
> int Administrator (char Network[],char ComputationalSystems[]);
> Seven Internet http://lib.seven.com.br
> Linux User #338927
> "Google is my shepherd, no want shall I know"
> __
> masoch-l list
> https://eng.registro.br/mailman/listinfo/masoch-l

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