[GTER] BCP38 deployment in Brazil

Gilberto Zorello gzorello at nic.br
Tue May 14 11:39:38 -03 2019

Dear Matthew, one of the actions that is happening in Brazil, and I 
believe is contributing for the best scenario for BCP38, is the Program 
for a Safer Internet launched by NIC.br and in which we have been 
working since May/18. In this Program we are interacting directly with 
big Brazilian telecom operators in order to mitigate services with wrong 
configurations and doing training courses and presentations for Internet 
Services Providers (ISPs) about Best Practices in routing and security 
configurations, including MANRS, hardening and how to configure services 
with wrong configurations, that can be abused to generate DDoS attacks 
by amplification.
At https://bcp.nic.br/i+seg you can find details about the Program.

NIC.br | Gilberto Zorello
Coordenador de Projeto
Diretoria de Serviços e de Tecnologia
+55 11 5509-3508
www.nic.br <http://nic.br>

Em 14/05/2019 08:07, Frederico A C Neves escreveu:
> Matthew,
> On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 02:01:57PM +1200, Matthew Luckie wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am wondering if you can help me understand why it is that Brazil, as
>> a country, seems to be active in deploying BCP38.  When I look at the
>> monthly reports that CAIDA's Spoofer Project sends to GTER, there are
>> often 5-6 networks that have deployed BCP38 in the past month.  This
>> is more than in other countries / regions.
>> e.g.:
>> https://eng.registro.br/pipermail/gter/2019-May/076660.html
>> https://eng.registro.br/pipermail/gter/2019-April/076517.html
>> https://eng.registro.br/pipermail/gter/2019-March/076311.html
>> https://eng.registro.br/pipermail/gter/2019-February/076145.html
>> https://eng.registro.br/pipermail/gter/2019-January/075927.html
>> https://eng.registro.br/pipermail/gter/2018-December/075773.html
>> https://eng.registro.br/pipermail/gter/2018-November/075593.html
>> https://eng.registro.br/pipermail/gter/2018-October/075356.html
>> You can also see the effect in https://spoofer.caida.org/remedy.php
>> where 112 of the 526 (21%) of the inferred remediations were in
>> Brazil.
>> Is the Internet Society's MANRS effort having an effect, or is
>> something else local in Brazil encouraging deployment of BCP38?
> https://bcp.nic.br/i+seg/
>> Thanks,
>> Matthew
> Fred
> --
> gter list    https://eng.registro.br/mailman/listinfo/gter

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