[GTER] Proposta de TCC.

Luis H. Forchesatto luisforchesatto at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 14:30:13 -03 2014

Obrigado pela contribuição de todos :D

Bem, tenho bastante tempo para desenvolver, aproximadamente 1 ano e meio
ainda, mas estou me adiantando pra poder ir fazendo algo e não deixar tudo
para o último semestre. Achei a ideia de fazer sobre SDN um hot-topic e
tanto, mas ainda ficou meio vago: o que eu poderia efetivamente
desenvolver/implantar a esse respeito? No final das contas eu teria que ter
algo palpável para mostrar para a banca do contrário o TCC não seria

Para com meu orientador, estou assumindo o pior cenário possível: o dele
não poder contribuir muito com conhecimento do assunto (suspeita não
concretizada). Também tenho interesse em dar continuidade nisso em um
projeto de mestrado futuro mas o que eu gostaria mesmo é que isso pudesse
ser transformado em algo rentável, já que vou ficar um bom tempo em cima

Lembrando também que o projeto tem que ser em parte inédito ¬.¬

2014-03-13 17:13 GMT-03:00 Danton Nunes <danton.nunes at inexo.com.br>:

> On Thu, 13 Mar 2014, Lucas Willian Bocchi wrote:
>  Olha colega.
>> A resposta pra tua pergunta é: DEPENDE.
>> a) Depende de quanto tempo você deixou pra fazer esse TCC (dependendo
>> do assunto em um ano inteiro você não vai dar conta de resolver)
>> b) Depende de quanto o teu orientador sabe sobre o assunto que você
>> vai pesquisar (se ele não souber nada, não vai poder te ajudar e você
>> vai dançar na hora que precisar de ajuda)
>> c) Depende do quê você vai fazer com este projeto quando terminar o
>> TCC (guardar na gaveta não é uma opção. Se vai fazer um mestrado se
>> vai poder dar continuidade no assunto).
> uma velha piada "not so off-topic":
>                 A Rabbit's Thesis
> One sunny day a rabbit came out of her hole in the ground to enjoy the
> fine weather. The day was so nice that she became careless and a fox snuck
> up behind her and caught her.
> "I am going to eat you for lunch!", said the fox.
> "Wait!", replied the rabbit, "You should at least wait a few days."
> "Oh yeah? Why should I wait?"
> "Well, I am just finishing my thesis on The Superiority of Rabbits over
> Foxes and Wolves."
> "Are you crazy? I should eat you right now! Everybody knows that a fox
> will always win over a rabbit."
> "Not really, not according to my research. If you like, you can come into
> my hole and read it for yourself. If you are not convinced, you can go
> ahead and have me for lunch."
> "You really are crazy!" But since the fox was curious and had nothing to
> lose, it went with the rabbit. The fox never came out.
> A few days later the rabbit was again taking a break from writing and sure
> enough, a wolf came out of the bushes and was ready to set upon her.
> "Wait!" yelled the rabbit, "you can't eat me right now."
> "And why might that be, my furry appetizer?"
> "I am almost finished writing my thesis on The Superiority of Rabbits over
> Foxes and Wolves."
> The wolf laughed so hard that it almost lost its grip on the rabbit.
> "Maybe I shouldn't eat you. You really are sick...in the head. You might
> have something contagious."
> "Come and read it for yourself. You can eat me afterward if you disagree
> with my conclusions."
> So the wolf went down into the rabbit's hole...and never came out.
> The rabbit finished her thesis and was out celebrating in the local
> lettuce patch. Another rabbit came along and asked, "What's up? You seem
> very happy."
> "Yup, I just finished my thesis."
> "Congratulations. What's it about?"
> "The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes and Wolves."
> "Are you sure? That doesn't sound right."
> "Oh yes. Come and read it for yourself."
> So together they went down into the rabbit's hole. As they entered, the
> friend saw the typical graduate student abode, albeit a rather messy one
> after writing a thesis.
> The computer with the controversial work was in one corner. To the right
> there was a pile of fox bones, to the left a pile of wolf bones. And in the
> middle was a large, well-fed lion.
> The moral of the story:
>     The title of your thesis doesn't matter.
>     The subject doesn't matter.
>     The research doesn't matter.
>     All that matters is who your advisor is.
> --
> gter list    https://eng.registro.br/mailman/listinfo/gter

Luis H. Forchesatto

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