[GTER] Team-Cymru - BOGONS via BGP

Aristóteles Dantas adginforpb at enteriw.com.br
Sun Jul 15 20:11:29 -03 2012

Nós utilizamos a qui na empresa é muito bom e free.

2012/7/15 GIULIANO (WZTECH) <giuliano at wztech.com.br>

> Pessoal,
> Boa tarde, tudo bem ?
> Alguem utiliza o servico do grupo (Team Cymru) para receber os prefixos
> bogons via BGP ?
> O servico deles e confiavel ?   Estavel ?  Existe algum tipo de observacao
> de seguranca ao se utilizar esse servico ?
> Existe algum tipo de servico desse tipo que seja pago e que mostre
> garantias, SLA, etc ?
> Eles citam que como o servico e Free ... nao ha "garantias":
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
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> http://www.team-cymru.org/**Services/Bogons/bgp.html<http://www.team-cymru.org/Services/Bogons/bgp.html>
> This is a free service there are no guarantees of uptime or response time
> - we'll make our best efforts, of course, but no promises of anything!
> To peer with the bogon route servers, contact bogonrs at cymru.com <mailto:
> bogonrs at cymru.com>. When requesting a peering session, please include the
> following information in your e-mail:
> 1. Which bogon types you wish to receive (traditional IPv4 bogons, IPv4
>    fullbogons, and/or IPv6 fullbogons)
> 2. Your AS number
> 3. The IP address(es) you want us to peer with
> 4. Does your equipment support MD5 passwords for BGP sessions?
> 5. Optional: your GPG/PGP public key
> We will typically provide multiple peering sessions (at least 2) per
> remote peer for redundancy. If you would like more or less than 2 sessions
> please note that in your request. We try to respond to new peering requests
> within one to two business days, but, again, can provide no guarantees for
> this *free* service.
> Remember that you must be able to accomodate up to *100 prefixes* for
> /traditional bogons/, and up to *50,000 prefixes* for /fullbogons/, and be
> capable of multihop peering with a private ASN. If you improperly configure
> your peering and route all packets destined for bogon addresses to the
> bogon route-servers, your peering session
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> --------------------------
> Poderiam nos dar um relato a respeito da utilizacao desse tipo de servico ?
> Eles possuem exemplo de configuracoes pra varios tipos de equipamentos ...
> mais utilizados pelo mercado:
>     Cisco IOS IPv4 and IPv6 (IPv4 transport)
>     Cisco IOS IPv4 and IPv6 (IPv6 transport)
>     Juniper JunOS IPv4 and IPv6
>     Quagga IPv6
>     Mikrotik RouterOS
> Fico no aguardo,
> Obrigado,
> Giuliano
> --
> gter list    https://eng.registro.br/**mailman/listinfo/gter<https://eng.registro.br/mailman/listinfo/gter>

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