[caiu] Problema com RS1 e RS2 IX-SP
Eduardo Schoedler
listas em esds.com.br
Qui Abr 26 16:15:51 -03 2018
Em 26 de abril de 2018 14:48, Edinilson J. Santos
<edinilson em atinet.com.br> escreveu:
> Teria alguma relação com isso?
> https://radar.qrator.net/blog/bgp-hijacks-malicious-or-mistakes
Não sei, mas a conclusão do texto é *ÓTIMA*:
"These particular announcements and their consequences show us that
the quality of networks in several developing and growing regions is
often sacrificed in favor of their growth speed. It also indicates the
absence of proper filters between the China Telecom network and its
connections with customers. Thus the absence of filters between peers
(in this case between China Telecom and Tier1 carriers) made this
anomaly global."
Eduardo Schoedler
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