[GTER] Advisory: Vulnerability exploiting the Winbox port

Fernando Frediani fhfrediani at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 02:02:50 -03 2018

Quando usa o /ip services acredito que não precisa utilizar regras de 
firewall. Pra quem tem Fast-path ativado não vai perder essa 
funcionalidade bastante importante para performance do roteador.

Cuidado com regras de bloqueio de forward. Por mais bem intencionadas 
que sejam podem facilmente violar o Marco Civil da Internet bloqueando 
algo que seu cliente (seja ele de trânsito ou de banda larga) não deseje 
que seja bloqueado.


On 23/04/2018 11:37, Joao Paulo Saldanha wrote:
> Vamos atentar a segurança:
> Fiz algumas regrinhas aqui que podem ajudar aos amigos a protegerem seus
> MIkrotik. A mesma pode ser aplicada a todas RBs./ip firewall address-list
> add address=SEU_PREFIXO_1 list=ACCESSO_WINBOX
>> add address=SEU_PREFIXO_2 list=ACCESSO_WINBOX
>> add address= list=ACCESSO_WINBOX
>> add address= list=ACCESSO_WINBOX
>> add address= list=ACCESSO_WINBOX
>> add address= list=ACCESSO_WINBOX
>> /ip firewall filter
>> add action=drop chain=input comment=PROTECAO_WINBOX dst-port=8291
>> protocol=tcp src-address-list=!ACCESSO_WINBOX
>> add action=drop chain=forward comment=PROTECAO_WINBOX dst-port=8291
>> protocol=tcp src-address-list=!ACCESSO_WINBOX
>> /ip firewall filter move [/ip firewall filter find
>> comment=PROTECAO_WINBOX] 0
>> /ip service
>> set winbox address="SEU_PREFIXO_1/21,SEU_PREFIXO_2/22,
> Atentem aos campos SEU_PREFIXO_1, SEU_PREFIXO_2. Coloquem suas faixas no
> lugar, caso tenha mais de 2, replique a regra. Se precisarem de
> esclarecimentos podem me chamar.
> Outro detalhe, que estamos bloqueando acesso total a porta default 8291.
> Caso vendam transito, precisaram permitir antes do bloqueio, se não seu
> cliente ficará sem acesso externo aos Winbox dele.
> 2018-04-23 9:20 GMT-03:00 Andre Almeida <andre at bnet.com.br>:
>> https://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=133533
>> We have discovered a new RouterOS vulnerability affecting all RouterOS
>> versions since v6.29.
>> *How it works*: The vulnerability allowed a special tool to connect to the
>> Winbox port, and request the system user database file.
>> *Versions affected*: 6.29 to 6.43rc3 (included). Updated versions in all
>> release chains coming ASAP.
>> *Am I affected?* Currently there is no sure way to see if you were
>> affected. If your Winbox port is open to untrusted networks, assume that
>> you are affected and upgrade + change password + add firewall. The log may
>> show unsuccessful login attempt, followed by a succefful login attempt from
>> unknown IP addresses.
>> *What do do*: 1) *Firewall* the Winbox port from the public interface, and
>> from untrusted networks. It is best, if you only allow known IP addresses
>> to connect to your router to any services, not just Winbox. We suggest this
>> to become common practice. As an alternative, possibly easier, use the "IP
>> -> Services" menu to specify "*Allowed From*" addresses. Include your LAN,
>> and the public IP that you will be accessing the device from. 2) *Change
>> your passwords. *
>> *What to expect in the coming hours/days*: Updated RouterOS versions coming
>> ASAP. RouterOS user database security will be hardened, and deciphering
>> will no longer be possible in the same manner.
>> Andre
>> --
>> gter list    https://eng.registro.br/mailman/listinfo/gter
> --
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