[GTER] Estouro de TCAM desabilitou GoDaddy

Rubens Kuhl rubensk at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 11:17:42 -03 2012

> 3. Falha de equipamento: alguns roteadores não retomaram o modo de
>     operação via TCAM e continuaram roteando via CPU.

Esse é um "feature", pois é documentado.


%CFIB-SP-STBY-7-CFIB_EXCEPTION : FIB TCAM exception, Some entries will
be software switched

%CFIB-SP-7-CFIB_EXCEPTION : FIB TCAM exception, Some entries will be
software switched
%CFIB-SP-STBY-7-CFIB_EXCEPTION : FIB TCAM exception, Some entries will
be software
This error message is received when the amount of available space in
the TCAM is exceeded. This results in high CPU. This is a FIB TCAM
limitation. Once TCAM is full, a flag will be set and FIB TCAM
exception is received. This stops from adding new routes to the TCAM.
Therefore, everything will be software switched. The removal of routes
does not help resume hardware switching. Once the TCAM enters the
exception state, the system must be reloaded to get out of that state.
The maximum routes that can be installed in TCAM is increased by the
mls cef maximum-routes command.


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