[GTER] Ajuda com dansguardian

Egberto Monteiro servidores at futuro.usp.br
Thu Nov 19 17:49:58 -02 2009

Qual a configuração (HW) do servidor que está com o dansguardian e 
quantos clientes vc possui.
Meus clientes nem notam a diferença aqui.

Leandro Moreira wrote:
> Marcelo,
> Testei a sua sugestão funcionou em partes, funcionou pois nao pegava ip's da
> minha rede interna nem nos logs do dansguardian nem nos logs do proxy e isso
> ja passou a acontecer.
> Mas a internet ficou extremamente lenta.
> Estou verificando as configurações pra ver se descubro o q pode ser, se por
> acaso tiver mais alguma sugestão, fico agradecido.
> Att.
> Leandro Moreira
> 2009/11/19 Marcelo <msalavee at gmail.com>
>> Leandro,
>> Faz um teste rápido,
>> altera:
>> proxyip =
>> para
>> proxyip = sua placa interna por exemplo
>> Abraços,
>> Marcelo
>> Leandro Moreira wrote:
>>> Caros,
>>> Segue abaixo o meu dansguardian.conf:
>>> # comente esta linha para dizer que já o configuramos
>>> #UNCONFIGURED - Please remove this line after configuration
>>> #  3 = usar HTML template para acessos negados
>>> reportinglevel = 3
>>> # Diretório de Linguagens
>>> languagedir = '/etc/dansguardian/languages'
>>> # Linguagem usada:
>>> language = 'portuguese'
>>> #Nível de log 0 = nenhum  1 = somente negado  2 = todos acessados  3 =
>>> Todos requisições
>>> loglevel = 3
>>> # 2 = always log & mark exceptions (default)
>>> logexceptionhits = 2
>>> # Formato do log, 1 = Formato default.
>>> logfileformat = 1
>>> # Localização do arquivo de log
>>> loglocation = '/var/log/dansguardian/access.log'
>>> # Ips filtrados individualmente
>>> filterip =
>>> # Porta de escuta do Dansguardian
>>> filterport = 8080
>>> # Ip do proxy, onde está o squid
>>> proxyip =
>>> # porta do squid
>>> proxyport = 3128
>>> # url de acesso negado
>>> accessdeniedaddress =
>>> 'http://YOURSERVER.YOURDOMAIN/cgi-bin/dansguardian.pl'
>>> # Default is enabled, but to go back to the standard mode, disable it.
>>> nonstandarddelimiter = on
>>> # Usar banner do dansguardian on (default) | off
>>> usecustombannedimage = on
>>> custombannedimagefile = '/usr/share/dansguardian/transparent1x1.gif'
>>> # Quantidade de grupos existente, pode ser criado até 9
>>> filtergroups = 1
>>> # Onde fica o arquivo onde são atribuídos os grupos aos usuários ou ips.
>>> # agora podemos também atribuir faixas de ips
>>> filtergroupslist = '/etc/dansguardian/lists/filtergroupslist'
>>> # Ips sem acesso
>>> bannediplist = '/etc/dansguardian/lists/bannediplist'
>>> # Ips com acesso total
>>> exceptioniplist = '/etc/dansguardian/lists/exceptioniplist'
>>> # high enough, reported. on | off
>>> showweightedfound = on
>>> # 2 = on, singular = each weighted phrase found only counts once on a
>>> page.
>>> weightedphrasemode = 2
>>> urlcachenumber = 1000
>>> urlcacheage = 900
>>> scancleancache = on
>>> # 2 = both of the above (default)
>>> phrasefiltermode = 2
>>> # 0 = force lower case (default)
>>> preservecase = 0
>>> # off = disabled (default)
>>> # on = enabled
>>> hexdecodecontent = off
>>> # off (default) | on (Big5 compatible)
>>> forcequicksearch = off
>>> # bannedsitelist file instead.
>>> reverseaddresslookups = off
>>> # leave it off.
>>> reverseclientiplookups = off
>>> # is, enabling this option does not incur any additional forward DNS
>>> requests.
>>> logclienthostnames = off
>>> # be significant.  Fast computers do not need this option. on | off
>>> createlistcachefiles = on
>>> # use -1 for no blocking
>>> #maxuploadsize = 512
>>> #maxuploadsize = 0
>>> maxuploadsize = -1
>>> # The size is in Kibibytes - eg 2048 = 2Mb
>>> # use 0 to set it to maxcontentramcachescansize
>>> maxcontentfiltersize = 256
>>> # use 0 to set it to maxcontentfilecachescansize
>>> # This option may be ignored by the configured download manager.
>>> maxcontentramcachescansize = 2000
>>> # The size is in Kibibytes - eg 10240 = 10Mb
>>> maxcontentfilecachescansize = 20000
>>> # RAM cache.
>>> filecachedir = '/tmp'
>>> # on|off (defaults to on)
>>> deletedownloadedtempfiles = on
>>> # This may be ignored by the configured download manager.
>>> initialtrickledelay = 20
>>> # This may be ignored by the configured download manager.
>>> trickledelay = 10
>>> # Controle dobre gerenciador de Downloads
>>> downloadmanager = '/etc/dansguardian/downloadmanagers/fancy.conf'
>>> downloadmanager = '/etc/dansguardian/downloadmanagers/default.conf'
>>> # The default of 60 seconds is probably reasonable.
>>> contentscannertimeout = 60
>>> # (on|off) default = off
>>> contentscanexceptions = off
>>> # Este plugin deve ser habilitado para aparecer os usuários no log do
>>> Dansguardian
>>> authplugin = '/etc/dansguardian/authplugins/proxy-basic.conf'
>>> # Defaults to off.
>>> recheckreplacedurls = off
>>> # Importante, deve ser habilitado para repassar os ips clientes ao squid.
>>> forwardedfor = on
>>> # Warning - headers are easily spoofed. on | off
>>> usexforwardedfor = off
>>> # it on or off
>>> logconnectionhandlingerrors = on
>>> # useful in production.
>>> logchildprocesshandling = off
>>> # On large sites you might want to try 180.
>>> maxchildren = 120
>>> # On large sites you might want to try 32.
>>> minchildren = 8
>>> # sets the minimum number of processes to be kept ready to handle
>>> connections.
>>> # On large sites you might want to try 8.
>>> minsparechildren = 4
>>> # sets the minimum number of processes to spawn when it runs out
>>> # On large sites you might want to try 10.
>>> preforkchildren = 6
>>> # sets the maximum number of processes to have doing nothing.
>>> # When this many are spare it will cull some of them.
>>> # On large sites you might want to try 64.
>>> maxsparechildren = 32
>>> # On large sites you might want to try 10000.
>>> maxagechildren = 500
>>> # browse the web. Set to 0 for no limit, and to disable the IP cache
>>> process.
>>> maxips = 0
>>> # Defines IPC server directory and filename used to communicate with
>>> the log process.
>>> ipcfilename = '/tmp/.dguardianipc'
>>> # Defines URL list IPC server directory and filename used to
>>> communicate with the URL
>>> # cache process.
>>> urlipcfilename = '/tmp/.dguardianurlipc'
>>> # Defines IP list IPC server directory and filename, for communicating
>>> with the client
>>> # IP cache process.
>>> ipipcfilename = '/tmp/.dguardianipipc'
>>> # on|off (defaults to off)
>>> nodaemon = off
>>> # Disable logging process
>>> # on|off (defaults to off)
>>> nologger = off
>>> # Enable logging of "ADs" category blocks
>>> # on|off (defaults to off)
>>> logadblocks = off
>>> # Enable logging of client User-Agent
>>> # Some browsers will cause a *lot* of extra information on each line!
>>> # on|off (defaults to off)
>>> loguseragent = off
>>> # on|off (defaults to off)
>>> softrestart = off
>>> # Mail program
>>> # Path (sendmail-compatible) email program, with options.
>>> # Not used if usesmtp is disabled (filtergroup specific).
>>> mailer = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t'
>>> Att.
>>> Leandro Moreira.
>>> 2009/11/19 Marcelo <msalavee at gmail.com <mailto:msalavee at gmail.com>>
>>>     Leanddro,
>>>     posta o seu dansguardian.conf
>>>     Abraços,
>>>     Marcelo
>>>     Leandro Moreira wrote:
>>>     > Caros,
>>>     > A minha rede tem a seguinte topologia
>>>     >
>>>     > # --------- #        # -------------- #          #
>>>     -------------------- #
>>>     > #  LAN   # ----> #  FW DMZ #  -----> #  FW BORDA  #
>>>     > # --------- #        # --------------- #         #
>>>     -------------------- #
>>>     >                                |
>>>     >                                |
>>>     >              # --------------------------------------- #
>>>     >              #  PROXY/DANSGUARDIAN #
>>>     >              # --------------------------------------- #
>>>     >
>>>     > Instalei e configurei o dansguardian, ao set-lo manualmente no
>>>     > navegador, funciona sem problemas. Entao criei um NAT no firewall
>> de
>>>     > borda para enviar todas as requisições da porta 80 para o
>>>     servidor com
>>>     > o dansguardian:
>>>     >
>>>     > iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ! eth0 -s ! -p tcp -m
>>>     > multiport --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
>>>     <>
>>>     > <>
>>>     >
>>>     > Ao ativar o nat a internet simplesmente para, entao fiz o mesmo nat
>>>     > para o proxy que se encontra na mesma maquina e funcionou
>>>     normalmente.
>>>     > Ainda estou com o dansguardian basicao apenas com as blacklist
>>>     padrões
>>>     > dele, o que mais me intriga é que ao redirecionar o NAT acima pro
>>>     > squid a navegação ficou norma.
>>>     > Alguém ja passou por esse tipo de problemas, agradeço desde ja
>>>     ajuda.
>>>     >
>>>     > PS.: 1- Não é problema de hardware, pois o servidor é um
>>>     poweredge com
>>>     > placa gigabit.
>>>     >         2- Já discuti com o gerente de "projeto" pois queria fazer
>>>     > essa solução usando bridge e ele não aprovou.
>>>     >
>>>     > Att.
>>>     >
>>>     > --
>>>     > Leandro Moreira
>>>     > Linux Administrator: LPIC-1
>>>     > e-mail/msn: leandro at leandromoreira.eti.br
>>>     <mailto:leandro at leandromoreira.eti.br>
>>>     > <mailto:leandro at leandromoreira.eti.br
>>>     <mailto:leandro at leandromoreira.eti.br>>
>>>     > Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713
>>> --
>>> Leandro Moreira
>>> Linux Administrator: LPIC-1
>>> e-mail/msn: leandro at leandromoreira.eti.br
>>> <mailto:leandro at leandromoreira.eti.br>
>>> Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

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