[caiu] Problem connecting to www.dialindo.com
David Bouchare
dialindo7 em gmail.com
Sexta Novembro 9 11:13:29 BRST 2012
Ola gente,
I have a problem with the following website: www.dialindo.com (not.com.br).
It looks like some people in Brazil can't access it (error message says:
Chrome couldn't access dialindo.com). It seems to work everywhere else in
the world (I've tried accessing the website from France, UK, Spain,
Gernany, the Netherlands, Russia, USA, Canada and many more places in the
world). In Brazil, I have tried to do a traceroute and it seems to get
stuck at some point.
This www.dialindo.com website is hosted by OVH in France (I believe). Any
idea of why it happens?
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